Established in the year 1994, at Faridabad, near New Delhi, now shifted to Kerala, Thoudupuzha, we have left behind a milestone of excellance in our domain for others to follow in the manufacturing and exporting flexible packing machines. The technical background and experience of management is fully refelected in the working of the company, as the approach to manufacturing is based on fully integrated manufacturing practices.
Our success can be attributed to proactive management, dedicated customer services and our policy providing high quality machines, which has helped us, we have successfully met the demands of more than 2500 installations all over the country and overseas.
We are well facilitated with the latest infrastrature and professional skills which includes services of engineers as well as use of most hi tech engineering design softweares, which are used to meet the machinery designing/development requirements. Apart from us we also have 7000 sq. ft. area designated to R&D for innovating latest and hi tech packaging machines as per the demands of the country.